MI Band Android SDK Test

2018年12月14日—AsfarasIknow,thereisnoofficialSDK/APIforMiandsomeofothersmartbands.WedohaveofficialSDK/APIforFitbit,Polar,Garmin, ...,DownloadTable|APIdevelopedinAndroidforbluetoothcommunicationwithMiBand2frompublication:ASP:AnIoTApproachtoHelpSed...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2018年12月14日 — As far as I know, there is no official SDK/API for Mi and some of other smart bands. We do have official SDK/API for Fitbit, Polar, Garmin, ...

API developed in Android for bluetooth communication with ...

Download Table | API developed in Android for bluetooth communication with Mi Band 2 from publication: ASP: An IoT Approach to Help Sedentary People | Due ...

API Documentation

The Xiaomi Cloud-ML project exposes the API access interface. The full functionality of the Xiaomi Cloud-ML service can be accessed via the APIs, SDKs, or ...

How can I develop for Mi Band?

2020年7月21日 — Here, Xiaomi smart bands are popular, so I wanna know if there are some developer documentation. Some API, SDK, whatever. The idea is something ...

How to create your own app to connect with Mi Band

2020年9月12日 — Recently I needed to make a React Native app connect with a Mi Band and use some resources of it, but it was a very difficult task, ...

Mi Fit API

2020年6月18日 — Does something like this officialy exist. ? I would like to fetch Mi Fit data through APIs. I'm totally aware that we can connect Google Fit ...


A Home assistant custom component to get your fitness information using Google Fitness API. home-automation home-assistant google-api google-fit homeassistant ...

MiBand iOS API(小米手环API)

MiBand-API. 小米手环 iOS API. 当前API 基于固件版本v1.0.6.3 (手机手环iOS 客户端v1.0.16)。

Xiaomi Open API

Xiaomi Open API · 1. Getting User's Profile · 2. Getting User's OpenId · 3. Getting User's Phone Number and Email Address · 4. Get User's MiChat Friend List.


2018年12月14日—AsfarasIknow,thereisnoofficialSDK/APIforMiandsomeofothersmartbands.WedohaveofficialSDK/APIforFitbit,Polar,Garmin, ...,DownloadTable|APIdevelopedinAndroidforbluetoothcommunicationwithMiBand2frompublication:ASP:AnIoTApproachtoHelpSedentaryPeople|Due ...,TheXiaomiCloud-MLprojectexposestheAPIaccessinterface.ThefullfunctionalityoftheXiaomiCloud-MLservicecanbeaccessedviatheAPIs,SDKs,o...